Gone Fishing

After 388 posts in less than 365 days, nearly 40,000 visitors and 191 comments, I have decided to put Juvienation on hiatus until further notice. Please feel free to rummage through the archives, refer to the blogroll and further reading page and use this post as an open thread. I’m keeping the site up because I think it’s a useful resource for those who care about juvenile justice policy, and because I would like the option to start posting again at some point in the future. Until then…

5 responses to “Gone Fishing

  1. Mark, You will be missed by all of us here at CFYJ! The Juvienation blog is a tremendous resource and we hope you will keep in touch with us on your plans! Best, Liz Ryan

  2. Sad to see you go. There are just not nearly enough people out there blogging about these issues and you’re one of the best.

  3. Dear Mark,

    I really appreciate your collection of resources on the juvienation.wordpress.com website.

    I became interested in juvenile offenders after I was assigned a research project in the field. From that research, we ended up publishing a great article here: http://www.forensicscience.net/juvenile-offenders, that covers all areas of troubled teens. I also came across your site and thought I might pass this link on to you as a thank you for you wonderful resources.

    I know this article would be a great addition to your information, and I’m sure that it could help many of your users. Let me know what you think!

    Best Wishes,

    Patti Moore

  4. its really very sad news Mark. We are missing you. I love to read all your posts. really feels very sad. In future can we expect more news articles? contact to this mail ID, after starting the new one…. thanks for all your efforts.

  5. I really appreciate your work. I just came across this blog. I hope you come back and write some more.

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